We value our customers, that's why we offer special advantages when purchasing Kommo licenses with Komanda F5
Bonus widgets
Widgets that increase productivity and save time. Get paid solutions worth more than $1,000 as a gift
24/7 technical support
We provide our clients with personalized service and support for any issues related to Kommo. Technical support is available 24/7/365
+1 month of Kommo as a gift
When you renew your licenses with Komanda F5, we add an additional month to your subscription period for each user
Audit of your digital system
We will conduct an audit according to our 37-point checklist to identify any flaws in processes and revenue loss. We'll provide a full report
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Bonus widgets for your business
Paid widgets worth more than $1,000 as a gift: get rid of the duplicate problem, integrate with the cloud, protect your data, accelerate the work process, and get notifications in Telegram about important events.
When you hover the cursor over the company’s name, a list of leads, contacts and fields for that company will pop up.
20 mini-widgets combined in one: Platform F5 to make your work in Kommo easier
Búsqueda de campos
Este widget permite buscar en una lista de campos en las entidades principales de Kommo: leads, contactos y empresas. Si hay muchos elementos en la lista, solo escribe las primeras letras y el widget encontrará los datos necesarios.
Prohibir trabajar con leads sin tareas
Prohíbe trabajar en el sistema sin una tarea asignada al lead. Si no hay una tarea, significa que no se puede realizar ninguna actividad con el lead. El widget se sobrepone en la interfaz de Kommo y no le deja trabajar hasta que se le asigne una tarea.
Agrupación de campos
Permite agrupar un gran número de campos en grupos con una estructura de árbol, para así poder visualizarlo fácilmente en la tarjeta.
Usuario responsable adicional
El widget transforma campos números adicionales en campos para seleccionar a la persona a cargo del lead.
Número de elementos del filtro
Permite mostrar hasta 500 elementos filtrados en la lista de leads, contactos y compañías.
Personalización de la feed
Permite ocultar entidades innecesarias cuando se vea una gran cantidad de datos en la feed del lead: llamadas, notas, tareas, emails.
Prohibir eliminar leads en la fase de entrada
Prohíbe la eliminación de solicitudes no procesadas si alguien las borra constantemente.
Prohibir reprogramar tareas
El widget limita los cambios de fecha y hora límite de una tarea.
Prohibir editar/eliminar tareas
Restringe a tus responsables el cambio o eliminado de tareas.
Prohibir editar/eliminar notas
El widget permite restringir a los responsables el cambio o eliminado de notas en la tarjeta de lead, contacto o empresa.
Destacar en listas con ‘’Shift’’
El widget permite seleccionar rangos personalizados de entidades al pulsar la tecla ‘’Shift’’ o al arrastrar el ratón sobre las casillas, manteniendo el botón izquierdo del ratón pulsado.
Prohibir el cierre de tareas sin resultado
Para entender cómo va un lead, el resultado de una tarea tiene que añadirse. El widget no permite cerrar una tarea sin un resultado.
Ocultar columnas vacías en el embudo
El widget ocultará columnas que no tengan leads en el modo Kanban. Así, no tendrás que bajar por el Kanban buscando leads activos.
Flujo de texto para nombres de campo largos
Los campos con nombres demasiado largos no entran en la tarjeta, y se acortan con unos puntos. El widget permite el flujo de texto para verlo completo.
Valores seleccionados en listas múltiples
Si seleccionas varios valores en una multilista, se ocultan. El widget muestra todos los valores de la lista.
Zonas horarias
El widget muestra el huso horario para cada usuario de forma independiente. Se mostrará la interfaz según su huso horario.
Cambios en la tarea
Muestra quién y cuándo se hizo el último cambio a la tarea.
Cambiar logo
Podrás poner tu propio logo en el escritorio de Kommo.
Acelerar de los mensajes de voz
Permite seleccionar la velocidad de las notas de audio (1x, 1.5x, 2x). Aparecerá un botón para cambiar la velocidad a la derecha del reproductor.
Valores de tabla
Muestra los valores de las columnas de los campos numéricos en la página. Si haces clic en la cabecera, se mostrarán los siguientes datos: suma, media, mínimo, máximo, cantidad. Puedes elegir cuáles se mostrarán por defecto.
Fields search
This widget allows you to search by listed fields in the main entities of Kommo: leads, contacts and companies. If you have a lot of items in the lists, just type the first letters and the widget will find the needed data.
Prohibit working with leads without tasks
Prohibits working in the system without a task set for a lead. If there is no task, it means that no activity can be performed with the lead. Widget overlaps the Kommo interface and doesn't let you work until the next task is assigned.
Grouping fields
Allows you to group a great number of fields into groups with a tree structure for easy viewing in a card.
Additional responsible user
The widget transforms additional numeric fields into fields for selecting the person in charge for the lead.
Number of items in the filter
Allows you to display up to 500 items in the list of leads, contacts, and companies when filtering
Feed customization
Allows you to hide unnecessary entities when viewing a large amount of data in the lead feed: calls, notes, tasks, emails.
Prohibit deleting leads from the incoming stage
Prohibits the removal of unprocessed requests if someone constantly deletes them.
Prohibit task rescheduling
The widget allows you to restrict changing the date and time of a deadline for tasks.
Prohibit editing/deleting tasks
Enables you to restrict your managers to editing and deleting tasks.
Prohibit editing/deleting notes
The widget allows you to restrict managers to editing and deleting notes in the lead, contact or company cards.
Highlighting in lists by Shift
The widget provides the opportunity to select custom ranges of entities by holding down the Shift key or by dragging the mouse over the checkboxes by holding down the left mouse button.
Prohibit closing tasks without the result
To understand what happens to a lead, the result of the task execution should be added. Widget will not allow closing a task without a text result.
Hide empty columns in the pipeline
The widget will hide columns with no deals in the Kanban mode. This is convenient, you don't have to scroll through the Kanban looking for active leads.
Text flow for long field names
Too long field names in cards don't fit and are cut off by dots, the widget allows the text flow so you can see the full name.
Selected values in multi-lists
If you select multiple values in a multi-list, they are hidden. The widget shows all values of the list.
Time Zones
The widget displays the time zone for each user separately. This will display the interface according to their time zone.
Changing Tasks
Show who and when made the last changes to the task.
Change your logo
You can put your own logo on Kommo desktop.
Voice message speedup
Allows you to select the speed of voice messages (1x, 1.5x, 2x). A button to change the speed appears to the right of the player.
Table Totals
Shows the totals of the columns of the numeric fields on the page. If you click on the header, the following will be shown: sum, average, min, max, amount. You can choose what to show by default.
Round-the-clock technical support and assistance
We provide our clients with personalized support for any issues related to Kommo. We will help to improve processes, answer questions from employees and solve technical problems.
Our support is available 24/7. This offer includes 2 hours of support per month, if you need more - let us know.
Additional month of Kommo subscription
When you renew your licenses with Komanda F5, we will add to your subscription +1 month
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Frequently Asked Questions
The extra month is provided as part of the Kommo partner program, which is aimed at developing the Kommo partner network.
The account renewal takes place within 48 hours after we receive your payment. In addition, we can extend your account in advance, so that you are not left without Kommo at the time when you need it.
Depending on the number of users, we provide our paid solutions (widgets) free of charge for the Kommo renewal period. In addition, free consulting services and tech support are also available. Each offer is personalized. To get more information contact us or fill out the form above.
The discount is received without using a coupon. You just buy a Kommo license from the officially certified partner.
Currently there is no time limit for this special offer. The program is active and renewal with a discount is possible.
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