At the same time you can choose 4 modes of field display:
- Hide the field completely (C). This completely hides the value of the field and its name, as if the field did not exist at all.
- Replace the content with asterisks (*). You will be able to see the name of the field, but the content will be replaced by asterisks. That is, the employee will see that the field exists, that it is filled or empty. System menus for this field work in this mode, for example, you can click on the field and make a call.
- Block editing (B). The field and its contents are visible as usual, but it becomes non-editable. Useful, for example, if you need to prevent managers from editing certain fields.
- Open (O). Standard mode, when the field is visible as usual.
Other widget features:Hiding Kommo main menu icons from employees
(Desktop, Leads, Tasks, Lists, Mail, Stats).
Hiding items of analytics in Kommo
(Sales Analysis, Summary Report, Buyers Report, Employee Report, Events List, Calls, Goals).