Team f5 fze
Terms & Conditions
IMPORTANT! Before using our services, please read carefully the terms of their use available in these Terms & Conditions, along with the Licensing Terms, the Privacy Policy and any other terms and policies referenced herein, as amended from time to time (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Terms”). By clicking on the accept buttons, you agree to be legally bound by the Terms, as they may be updated and displayed on our Website.

These Terms are between Team F5 FZE, a limited liability company formally registered with Dubai World Trade Center Authority under License No. L-2638 (hereinafter referred to as “Team F5”, “Us”, “We” or “Our”) and you, either individually, or on behalf of your employer or any other entity which you represent (hereinafter referred to as “Client”, “You” or “Your”). If you are acting on behalf of your employer or any other entity, you hereby confirm that: (i) you have the legal authority to bind your employer or any other entity to these Terms; and (ii) you have read, understood and agreed to these Terms on behalf of your employer or any other entity you represent (as the case may be), and that these Terms will bind your employer or any other entity.

You confirm and warrant that you are at least twenty-one (21) years old to access and use the Website and/or the Services. The Website and/or Services are exclusively meant for users who are twenty-one (21) years of age or older. To ensure compliance to this paragraph, we reserve the right to ask for identification at any time.

Should you NOT agree to comply and be bound by these Terms, or you do not have the authority to bind your employer or any other entity (as applicable), please do NOT accept these Terms, access or use the Website and/or the Services.
means an information resource, which is a set of data of one copy in Kommo CRM-system with a unique identifier, with the help of which program objects are grouped together for their joint display and use. The number of authorized users required by the Client can simultaneously operate within the Account.
Account User
means a paid and active (sub-account) authorized representative/employee of the Client, registered by the Client in Kommo and authorized in it at least once.
means “Application Programming Interface” – an interface of system interaction with third-party applications by using public methods.
means any legal entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or under the common control of any other entity. For the purpose hereof, the term "control", when used in respect to any entity shall mean the power and authority to manage such an entity whether, through the direct or indirect holding of fifty percent (50%) or more of its beneficial ownership, voting power or equity.
means the Client’s application for the provision of Services performed by Team F5, carried to Team F5 using the communication method established by these Terms.
means any legal entity, or any individual that entered into these Terms, and have the right to use the Services in their own interest in accordance with the requirements of applicable legislation and these Terms.
Effective Date
means the date of registration, accepting and using or accessing the Services, additional services, Website, whichever is earlier.
Internet Service (widget)
means a program module for the software "F5 Widgets Pack" running in the Kommo environment and interacting with Kommo via API, designed to optimize business processes and add additional functionality to the CRM "Kommo". The widget is implemented as a separate Internet application with a Web user interface, as well as in the mobile application version of Kommo.

"F5 Widgets Pack" is provided as a SaaS solution. In the Internet Service the authorization mechanism with differentiation of rights by roles is implemented. All the functionality of the software module is available only when authorizing in Kommo. The concept of "Widget" includes both separate widgets (tariffs) and the full set of F5 Widgets Pack widgets (with Control Panel and catalog of separate widgets/modules/tariffs).
means a cloud-based computer program (both as a whole and its components), which is a set of data and commands presented in objective form, including source code, database, audiovisual products, as well as any documentation on its use.
Licensing Terms
mean the Licensing Terms specified in Appendix 01 to these Terms.
means an individual or a legal entity, an official partner of Kommo and/or Team F5.
means any party under these Terms, Team F5 and/or the Client, or referred collectively.
Personal Data
means any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (personal data subject).
Team F5
means the company - Team F5 FZE, a limited liability company formally registered with Dubai World Trade Center Authority under License No. L-2638, and registered address: FZF 039 SRT, Floor 04, Sheikh Rashid Tower, Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai, UAE, and its Affiliates.
means these Terms & Conditions, including all its appendices, the Licensing Terms, the Sublicense Agreement, Contract for the Provision of Paid Services, Licensing Agreement for Using the Internet Services, the Privacy Policy and any other terms and policies referenced herein, as amended from time to time.
Third Party(ies)
means any individual or legal entity as well as their employees, affiliated entities, and consultants that are not connected to these Terms, but have a significant involvement.
mean any services available on Team F5’s platforms, products, applications, API, tools, and any additional services or upgrades, that are provided online or are included in the cloud-based services provided by Team F5.
Subscription Term
means the term of granting the right to use the Service. The period of use (subscription term) may be, at the Client's choice, 6, 10, 13, 18, 24, 25 months long. The exact term of the period is specified directly in the invoices.
2.1. Our Services. Our platforms, products, applications, API, tools, and any additional services or upgrades, that are provided online are all included in the cloud-based services provided by Team F5, additionally we provide services such as: licensing, sublicensing, sale and implementation of CRM systems, consultancy services associated with the installation of CRM systems, services for selling widgets and other related services specified in Appendix 03 to these Terms (collectively "Services").

2.2. Changes. We hereby reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify these Terms from time to time for legitimate purposes, such as the addition of new features or functionalities to the Services, technical modifications, correction of typographical errors, compliance with legal requirements, or any other reason we think appropriate. We will notify the Client of any major changes to these Terms as soon as reasonably possible, by sending the Client an email or prominently posting a notice within the Services and/or the Website. Once the changes are put into effect, you will be deemed to have accepted them if you keep using the Services.

2.3. Upgrades. The delivery of any future release of any functionality, feature, or service by us is not contingent upon your purchase of the Services under these Terms. This includes but is not limited to: (i) the continuation of certain Services beyond the current Terms; (ii) the availability of third-party services; or (iii) reliance on any oral or written public comments we make regarding any future functionality, feature, or service.

2.4. Additional Terms. Certain Services may be subject to additional terms specific to such services, features, or functionality, as stated in the relevant services and/or as stated in the Licensing Terms. You agree and acknowledge that the additional Licensing Terms, which govern your use of certain services, are binding when you access, enable, use, and/or purchase any of these Services that are subject to specific services terms.

2.5. Restrictions. Client and its User(s) may use the Services, and any part or element thereof, only in the scope, with the means and for purposes as identified in these Terms and applicable law. Except as expressly permitted in these Terms, you may not, and shall not allow a User or any third party to:
2.5.1. use the Services or any part or element thereof to commit a crime, breach any applicable law or entice or invite others to carry out such illegal actions.
2.5.2. copy, duplicate, distribute, modify, adapt, hack, create derivative works, reverse engineer or decompile the Services or any part or element thereof, or attempt to extract the source code thereof, unless (i) it is expressly allowed under applicable law, and (ii) to the extent that Team F5 is not permitted by that applicable law to exclude or limit the foregoing rights.
2.5.3. provide false, inaccurate or misleading information.
2.5.4. act in a manner that is defamatory, trade libelous, threatening or harassing to Team F5; or
2.5.5. use the Services or any part or element thereof unless it has agreed to be bound to these Terms.
3.1. Account Registration. You must first create an account (the "Account") to register for the Services. By creating an Account and signing up to use the Services, you become a Team F5 Client, either personally or on behalf of your employer or any other entity (as applicable) for which you made the Account.

3.2. Registration Information. You agree to provide us with accurate and up-to-date information about you when setting up or amending an Account. You also agree that you are fully responsible for all activities that take place under your Account, and password, including any integration or use of third-party products or services (and related data disclosures) in connection with the Services. Finally, you agree to notify us in writing as soon as you become aware of any unauthorized access to, or use of your account or user profile, or any breach of security.

3.3. Verification. You acknowledge and consent that we might ask you for additional information that would be needed to verify your identity and support the security of your Account. We reserve the right to request any information that we deem necessary, before restoring or providing access to or providing information about such an Account if you lose access to an Account or otherwise request information about an Account.

3.4. Account User. Any decision or action made by a User is considered to be the decision or action of the Client. The User(s) of an Account are, severally and jointly, deemed to be the authorized representatives of the Client, who will have significant authority and control over how the Services and the Account are used.

3.5. Client Responsibility for the Users. The Client is solely liable and responsible for understanding the settings, privileges, and controls for the Services; determining who the Client allows to become a User and the settings and privileges that apply to that User; these rights may include, but are not limited to, the ability for a User to invite or add other users (paid or unpaid); charging money on the Account; and having access to, changing, or sharing boards, among other things. Even though some Users may not be affiliated with Client 's company or domain, Client is accountable for all actions taken by all of its Users, including any orders they may submit and the manner in which Users utilize Client Personal Data. Furthermore, Client understands that any activity made by a User of Account is considered by us to have been authorized by Client, so Client will not be entitled to any compensation in this regard.
4.1. Upon activation of the Internet Service, the Client agrees to provide the following registration information of the Client: last name, first name, patronymic (if applicable) in English; email address; contact phone number; city and country of residence.

4.2. Team F5 shall not change nor edit the registration information about the Client without the consent of the Client.

4.3. Team F5 shall be not responsible for the content and fairness of the information given by the Client when placing an order. The Client is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an order.

4.4. When registering on the Website, the Client creates an Account, where all the orders are shown together with their status (payment or cancellation). Order placement confirmations will be sent optionally to the email address that the client designates.

4.5. If there is a technical error on the site at the time of the operation or there is no notification on the successful completion and payment of the order in the Account, the Client shall contact Team F5 to receive confirmation of payment for the service within 1 (one) day from the date of payment.

4.6. The Client’s payment of the order for the Services made on the Website shall mean the Client's consent to these Terms.

4.7. Any information available on the website is only for reference purposes. Any information about software products and services may be specified by contacting the company via tel.: +1 872 588 81 05.
5.1. Instructions for installing and using the Internet Service are published by Team F5 at:

5.2. The Internet Service is installed via the Website and/or via the "Integrations" section of the Kommo CRM-system in the Account independently by the Client or Team F5.

5.3. The Client agrees to supply the following registration details when activating (registering) the Internet service: email address, contact phone number, account ID, account domain, first and last name, and patronymic (if applicable) in English. In addition, the Client/User accepts our Licensing Terms and Privacy Policy at the time of Internet Service installation.

5.4. Team F5 shall not modify or edit the registration information on the Client/User, specified in clause 5.3, without the consent of the Client.

5.5. Team F5 is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Client during the installation and use of the Internet Service. The accuracy of the Client Data supplied during installation and any further use of the Internet Service is the Client's exclusive responsibility.

5.6. Within 1 (one) working day of receiving the required information, Team F5 shall provide the Client with access to the Internet Service.

5.7. The Internet Service may require an account in a third-party service. For this purpose, the Client is entitled to independently obtain access for the chosen service and provide the necessary data for the correct operation of the Internet Service, while remaining responsible for these actions. Any malfunction of the Internet Service or technical deficiencies arising from the intervention of another service do not provide grounds for claims against Team F5. Team F5 does not guarantee full functionality of the Internet Service if it operates based on a third-party service. The elimination of such deficiencies is possible for an additional fee, but not within the framework of Team F5's warranty obligations.
6.1. Team F5 provides Internet Service on the “as is” basis. Team F5 does not guarantee that all of its features will be applicable for the Client’s specific purpose. Technical failures and temporary interruptions in the provision of services (including those related to the performance of technological and preventive works) are not grounds for presenting any moral, material, property or other claims to Team F5.

6.2. The Licensee shall only use the email messaging system made available by the Licensor for the purpose of sending individualized messages to the addressee upon the recipient's request or with their previous approval.

6.3. The Licensor has provided installation and usage instructions at:

6.4. The Client shall independently ensure the availability of equipment that meets the technical requirements for using the Internet Service and accessing the Internet.

6.5. The Client uses the granted rights to use the Internet Service at their own risk. Team F5 does not accept responsibility for the suitability of the Internet Service for its intended use.

6.6. The Client is not permitted to take any actions that could interfere with Team F5's machinery and resources, or that could grant unauthorized access to Team F5's resources or the Service, or that could inflict harm or threaten to infringe upon the rights of third parties.

6.7. The Client is prohibited from sending mass commercial offers to the following address lists:
  • purchased lists;
  • rented lists;
  • lists obtained automatically using extractor programs;

6.8. Full functionality of the widgets is available on the Kommo "Advanced" and "Enterprise" plans. Team F5 does not guarantee full functionality of the Internet Service on the "Base" plans, as well as other current and archived Kommo plans.

6.9. When using the Internet Service, a Trial Period (free period) of using the Internet Service is possible, which can last up to 14 (fourteen) calendar days. The Trial Period of using the Internet Service may have limitations on the number of operations conducted.
6.9.1. The Trial Period ends upon payment by the Client. After the end of the Trial Period and in the absence of payment, access to the Internet Service is automatically terminated. When paying for access to the Internet Service, the date of commencement of the paid period of the Internet Service will be the date of receipt of funds into Team F5's bank account. In this case, if the Internet Service has an active trial period, it ends at the moment of receipt of funds and corresponding payment.
6.10. The minimum cost is calculated for 5 (five) Internet Service users. The user count is based on the number of paid licenses in the Kommo account. If there are 1 (one) to 5 (five) users in the account, the payment for the Internet Service tariff will be calculated for 5 (five) users; if there are more than 5 (five) users, it will be based on the number of paid Kommo licenses.
6.10.1. In case the number of users agreed with Team F5 increases, the Client must notify Team F5 in writing about the increase in the number of users. In case of discovering an increase in the number of users, Team F5 has the right, without prior notice to the Client:

  • to issue an invoice for the amount equal to the unpaid users, and the Client must pay the corresponding invoice within 10 (ten) days from the date of its issuance. The calculation of users is carried out according to the formula published on Website at:;
  • to recalculate the number of Internet service users (upwards or downwards) by reducing the paid period.
6.11. Team F5 does not provide the Client with communication services, does not organize access to information systems of information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, and does not engage in activities related to receiving, processing, storing, transmitting, and delivering telecommunication messages.

6.12. In case of releasing a new version of the Internet Service (update), the Client is obliged to switch to the new version. The Client independently monitors the availability of the required version of the Kommo CRM for full functioning of the Internet Service. In case a new version of the Internet Service is released, the settings of the previous version are not saved or restored. The previous version of the Internet Service may be disabled.

6.13. When using the Internet Service, the Client/User is granted the following privileges:
  • using the Internet service during the trial period;
  • independently connecting, disconnecting, and configuring the Internet Service in the Control Panel;
  • receiving technical support, excluding configuration;
  • using the Internet Service without territorial restrictions.

6.14. When using the Internet service, the Client/User is not entitled to:
  • take actions that may lead to disruption of the operation of Team F5’s equipment and resources, to exercise unauthorized access to Team F5’s resources, to the Internet Service, that may cause or threaten to cause damage and violation of the rights of third parties, including by posting information and links to resources on the network which content contradicts the current legislation of the United Arab Emirates;
  • modify the Internet Service on their own;
  • copy the Internet Service or its source code;
  • transfer rights to use and implement the Internet Service to third parties without obtaining prior written consent from Team F5;
  • use the Internet service for purposes other than its intended use;
  • directly or indirectly distribute spam mailings using the Internet Service, as well as distribute information aimed at inciting national, racial, or religious hatred and enmity, including spreading extremist materials;
  • directly or indirectly distribute information and/or engage in illegal actions aimed at drug distribution, unauthorized access to computer systems, piracy (distribution of copyrighted materials in violation of copyright), conduct gambling activities, promote fraud schemes, violate UAE export laws, violate other laws of the federal legislation of the United Arab Emirates;
  • exceed the permissible number of API requests to third-party services when using the Internet Service;
  • take any actions aimed at creating a security threat to Internet Services;
  • directly or indirectly contribute to the possibility of a DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service attack) - a complex of actions that can completely or partially disable the Internet Service;
  • interfere with the operation of the Internet Service;
  • The Client is prohibited from using the Internet service to carry out mass mailings of commercial, advertising, and other information not requested by the recipient by email or in teleconference groups ("spam"). Sending information with the recipient's consent, with the possibility of unsubscribing, is not considered "spam";
  • except for use in ways, directly provided by the Licensing Terms or the applicable legislation, the Client has no right to modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform other actions with the object code of the Internet Service aimed at obtaining information about the implementation of algorithms used in the Internet Service, creating derivative works using the Internet Service, as well as using (allowing to use) the Internet Service without the written consent of Team F5;
  • use the Internet Service if its use may create a threat to the security and defense capability of the state, the health and safety of people;
  • intentionally use the Internet Service for any illegal purposes;
  • carry out destructive actions against Team F5's software or hardware that are aimed at disabling the Internet Service or third-party resources;
  • use offensive language and insults in communication with employees, technical support specialists, and/or partners of Team F5.
  • overload the work of the Internet Service.

6.15. In case of discovering errors in the operation of the Internet Service, the Client/User undertakes to notify Team F5 about them and not to attempt to use the found errors in operation.

6.16. If within 3 (three) months from the end of the subscription period (paid period of use) the Client/User does not renew the subscription period or does not use the Internet Service, individual settings of the Client's Internet Service (widget) may be deleted without notification and cannot be restored.

6.17. If the Client exceeds the limit of the number of operations per month provided by the Internet Service (tariff), they undertake to pay for the necessary additional users to increase the limit. In case of non-payment, Team F5 does not guarantee the operation of the Internet Service in the month when the limit was exceeded.

6.18. The Client must immediately notify Team F5 of any unauthorized access to the Internet Service using the Account.

6.19. The Client guarantees that it has all necessary rights to the data, computer programs, and services required for using the Internet Service.

6.20. When placing information and files on the technical resources of Team F5, the Client/User must comply with the requirements of legislation on intellectual property rights and other norms of applicable legislation.

6.21. The Client/User is responsible for independently monitoring the protection of the equipment and Software used in their work, timely updating the versions of the Software, or making changes to the configuration in accordance with the instructions and requirements published by the developers of the Software and/or Internet security services. The Client/User must prevent unauthorized access to the software and hardware resources used and must not allow the use of their own or provided resources by Team F5 for unauthorized attempts to access accounts and control panels.

6.22. In case of receiving motivated claims from third parties that the resources used by the Client/User violate the rights of third parties (including intellectual property rights), Team F5 sends a notification to the Client/User containing the contact information of the person who submitted the claim. In such cases, Team F5 has the right to suspend access to the Internet service for the Client/User.

6.23. The Client is solely responsible for providing third parties with access to the capabilities of the Program, including providing third parties with access to the Account. The Client is responsible for any actions of third parties to whom the Client has granted access to use the Products under the Licensing Terms. The Client is responsible for familiarizing such third parties with these Terms, and assumes all risks associated with failure to familiarize or untimely familiarization of such third parties with these documents, as well as the expenses caused by failure to familiarize or untimely familiarization. The Client guarantees that their actions in providing third parties with access to use the Products do not violate the legislation of the United Arab Emirates, these Terms, or the rights of third parties.

6.24. Team F5 reserves the right to make changes to the operation of the Internet Service without prior notice to the Client/User, as well as to carry out technical work in the Internet Service, during which temporary suspension of the functionality of the Internet Service may occur.

6.25. When renewing the Internet Service, the date of commencement of the paid period is the date of payment, provided that the paid period of the Internet Service has expired. If the paid period has not expired, the date of commencement of the paid period is the date of expiration of the previous period of use of the Internet Service.

6.26. Some Internet Services have a limit on the number of automatic actions for one event (event script), such limits are associated with technical limitations of the Kommo API.
7.1. Team F5 provides technical support to the Client, including on issues and problems related to the functionality of the Services, features of operation on supported operating system configurations, on the terms specified in the technical documentation for it. For the purposes of providing technical support, we use by default the contact details obtained by the Client during the installation and configuration of the Services. The Client is entitled to change their contact details by notifying us in writing.

7.2. Technical support is provided daily and around the clock, including weekends and holidays.

7.3. To receive technical support, the Client can contact us via our Website messengers and/or at the contact details available on

7.4. As part of providing technical support, the Client agrees that Team F5 has the right to independently make changes to the individual settings of the Services in the Client's account.

7.5. All technical issues are resolved in written or spoken form at the discretion of Team F5.

7.6. In order to provide technical support, Team F5 may require the Client to provide information related to their account and user data, technical specifications of equipment, and other necessary information for providing technical support.

7.7. In case of failure to provide the information specified in clause 4.6. of these Terms, Team F5 has the right to refuse Client technical support.

7.8. By accepting these Terms, the Client agrees that the technical support provided by Team F5 does not guarantee the elimination and resolution of technical errors in the operation of the Services.
8.1. The cost for the Services under these Terms is determined by the Application submitted by the Client and shall be specified in accordance with the current price list posted at

8.2. Payments for the Services shall be made in USD or AED currency. Other currencies may additionally be applied.

8.3. The Client agrees to pay for the Services as specified on the Website.

8.4. Payment may be made by bank transfer or by payment card at the Client’s discretion. Any necessary bank details shall be stipulated in the invoices.

8.5. Client shall pay all bank charges related to the payment for the Services.

8.6. The Services shall be deemed as paid when the credit or debit card transaction is successfully completed.

8.7. The date of payment is considered to be the date payment is credited to Team F5’s account.

8.8. Activation and deactivation of Services shall be carried out within one day when Team F5 receives 100% prepayment. The Client’s obligation on payment shall be executed on the date of payment when paying by payment card or on the date of receipt of payment in full to Team F5's account when paying by bank transfer.

8.9. If there is a technical error on the Website at the time of the operation or there is no notification on the successful completion and payment of the Order in the Client's Personal Account or if the Client does not receive an SMS notification and / or a letter sent to the email address, the Client shall contact Team F5 to receive confirmation of payment for Services within 1 (one) day from the date of such payment.

8.10. If Team F5 has not received from the Client a written claim related to the scope of the granted rights within ten (10) days from the date of payment for the License, the non-exclusive right to use the Software shall be deemed provided to the Client in full and duly.

8.11. If Team F5 delays the provision of the rights to use the software for more than ten (10) calendar days, the Client has the right to terminate the contract and to demand a refund in the amount of the paid amount.

8.12. If the refusal / cancellation procedure is carried out correctly, the funds shall be returned to the card where the payment was made. Refunds will not be made by other means.

8.13. In case of early termination of the Services for any reason, the prepayment is not refundable to the Client.

8.14. Team F5 has the right to unilaterally change the terms of payment for new service packages, provided that they are informed by posting information on the website or at the Client’s demand by sending them to the Client’s e-mail. The report on the letter receipt from the owner’s / user’s email shall certify the information delivery to the Client.

8.15. For the purpose of organizing payments and acceptance of Services under these Terms, the reporting term shall be a calendar month.

8.16. Additional testing hours, restoration work caused by the Client's incorrect actions are paid by the Client additionally at Team F5's tariff rate. The size of Team F5's tariff rate is determined by Team F5 independently; the information is posted on the Internet at

8.17. Payment of the Invoice confirms the complete and unconditional consent of the Client with these Terms.

8.18. Team F5 guarantees the preservation of the cost and scope of work in the following cases:
  • for the period paid by the Client in case of entry into force of the new edition of these Terms;
  • within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of billing after the entry into force of the new edition of these Terms.
9.1. Confidential Information. Any and all confidential information of whatever nature, that is communicated, whether orally or in writing, to the other party (the "Receiving Party") by a party and its Affiliates (the "Disclosing Party") that is marked as confidential or that a reasonable person would deem confidential (the “Confidential Information”).

9.2. Confidential Information includes any scientific, technological, commercial, organizational or other information that has actual potential commercial value for the Parties under these Terms as it is unknown to third parties who could benefit from its disclosure or use, to whom there is no free access on a legal basis and in relation where to adequate measures of protection are taken. All information pertaining to the Disclosing Party's clients and prospective clients, past, current, or planned products, including but not limited to: marketing strategies and materials, business offers, information on marketing, analysis of opportunities, information on development and strategies, products, goods, services, presentation materials, price-lists, business correspondence, technical data and technological information, ideas, concepts, production secrets, methods, works of authorship, inventions, service works, processes, algorithms, software, formulas, business plans, prospects for growth, finances, research and development, executed and signed agreements, financial documentation, general information on the company's finances, financial statements, records and analysis, business plan, financial plan, information on commercial activities, financial results, and the Terms herein is considered confidential information.

9.3. Exceptions. Information shall not be considered Confidential Information if: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any responsibility owed to the Disclosing Party, or (ii) was known to the Receiving Party previous to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party without breach of any obligation, or (iii) was independently developed by the Receiving Party, provided that the person(s) who developed it did not have access to the Confidential Information; or (iv) was permitted to publicity by written permission of the Disclosing Party; or (v) was disclosed to the official and government authorities by request under the applicable laws. In the event of an official request for the disclosure of Confidential Information from the authorized bodies, the Receiving Party is obliged to immediately notify the Disclosing Party in writing. In this case the Receiving Party is not considered to be in breach of its obligations under these Terms.

9.4. The obligation to maintain confidentiality is indefinite.
10.1. Team F5 implements reasonable security measures and procedures designed to assist in protecting our Client Personal Data. Our Privacy Policy is available at

10.2. When registering the Account on the Website, you will have to provide the following details: your last name, first name, patronymic (if applicable), date of birth, passport information, phone number, email address, address, organization, and your designation.

10.3. You hereby confirm and voluntarily grant Team F5 permission to receive, process, store, and use the personal data, account ID data, account domain, account language, account time zone, and account administrator data, including ID, name, login, and api_hash, for the duration of the Subscription Term and before the statute of limitations for obligations under these Terms.

10.4. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time for the gathering, using, storing, and destroying of personal data. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to use the Service going forward if you revoke this consent.

10.5. We reserve the right to ask the Client to provide a copy of a document confirming his/her identity, for the purpose of reviewing and verifying his/her age and legal capacity to perform the assumed responsibilities.

10.6. Processing of personal data should be interpreted as an action or a group of actions (operations) carried out with personal data, either with or without the use of automation tools. This includes the following: gathering, documenting, systematizing, accumulating, storing, specifying (updating, changing), extracting, using, transferring (distribution, provision, access), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destroying personal data.

10.7. The Client consents to the following uses of his/her personal data processing and/or the transfer of Client information to:
  • conclude and/or fulfill these Terms, including (but not limited to) for the provision of Service by Third Parties.
  • for the purpose of execution of these Terms by a Third Party, including in case of assignment of rights and obligations under these Terms by the Client to a Third Party.
  • in order to take the necessary actions to collect debt from the Client for the Services, present other requirements to the Client, in case of failure to perform (the Client’s improper performance of obligations under these Terms), including in case of assignment of rights (claims arising from the agreement to the Third Parties.
  • for the purposes of information and reference services, including to prepare and disseminate information in various ways.
11.1. Client releases Team F5 and its associated partners, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and independent contractors from any liability for, and shall indemnify, defend and hold them harmless from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, claims, obligations, liabilities, costs or expenses regardless of the cause, and arising out of or attributable to the provision of the Services and any other advice or assistance provided by Team F5 (collectively, "Losses").

11.2. Additionally, the Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Team F5 and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents from the Losses incurred as a result of: any third-party claim arising from (i) the Client's and/or any of its Users' violation of these Terms or applicable law; and/or (ii) Client Data, including the use of Client Data by Team F5 and/or any of its subcontractors infringes or violates any third party's rights, including but not limited to intellectual property, privacy, and/or publicity rights.

11.3. Team F5 hereby agrees to defend Client, its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, in and against any third party claim or demand against Client, alleging that Client’s authorized use of the Services infringes or constitutes misappropriation of any third party’s copyright, trademark or registered patent (“Claim”), and we will indemnify Client and hold Client harmless against any damages and costs finally awarded on such Claim by a court of competent jurisdiction or agreed to via settlement we agreed upon, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

11.4. Team F5’s indemnity obligations under these Terms shall not apply if: (i) the Services (or any portion thereof) was modified by Client or any of its Users or any third party, but solely to the extent the Claim would have been avoided by not doing such modification; (ii) if the Services was used in combination with any other service, device, software or products, but solely to the extent that such Claim would have been avoided without such combination; and/or (iii) any Claim arising or related to, the Client Personal Data or to any events giving rise to Client’s indemnity obligations under these Terms.

11.5. Additionally, Team F5 may, at its sole discretion, take action to stop the Services, or any part of them, and to: (a) obtain the right to continue to use the Services; (b) replace or modify the allegedly infringing part of the Services so that it becomes non-infringing while giving substantially equivalent performance; or (c) if Team F5 determines that the foregoing remedies are not reasonably available, then Team F5 may require that use of the (allegedly) infringing Services (or part thereof) shall cease and in such an event, Client shall receive a prorated refund of any Fees paid for the unused portion of the Subscription Term. We may require that use of the (allegedly) infringing Services (or part thereof) cease, and in such an event, Client shall receive a prorated refund of any Fees paid for the unused portion of the Subscription Term, if Team F5 determines that the aforementioned remedies are not reasonably available.
12.1. Disclaimer. Except as expressly set forth herein, we make no representations and/or warranties to the extent permitted by applicable law:
12.1.1. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms, the Services and Website, and other features made available in conjunction with or through the Services are all provided "as is" and "as available" without any kind of warranty, either explicit or implied, unless otherwise stated by Team F5. Team F5 and its Affiliates disclaim all warranties, whether express, implied, statutorily mandated, or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. This includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of proprietary rights, correctness, accuracy, and reliability.

12.1.2. Neither we nor our vendors make any representations or warranties as to the availability, timeliness, security, error-free operation, loss of data, correction of errors, or absence of viruses or other harmful code with respect to the services and sites, or with regard to the access thereto and use thereof. Furthermore, you and/or your data (including Client Personal Data) may suffer delays, failures, interception, alteration, loss, or other damages that are outside of our control. We and our vendors disclaim all liability and responsibility for any of these damages.

12.1.3. We disclaim all representations and/or warranties expressly and we do not warrant: (I) That any portion of our Website and Services (or any part thereof) complies with all applicable laws and is complete, accurate, of a certain quality, dependable, suitable for, or compatible with, any of your intended activities, devices, operating systems, browsers, software, or tools. (II) about any information, results, reports, or contact you obtain through the Website and/or Services.
12.2. Warranty. Without any restrictions, guarantees, or other requirements of any sort, the Website and the Services are offered "as is". Although we make every effort to guarantee the correctness of the information on the Website and the information related to the Services, we do not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of such content. Anytime without prior warning, we reserve the right to make changes to the content on the Website, the services provided, the pricing and products listed there, or both. The information on the Website might not be current, and we don't promise to update it. We could occasionally update you on details on our next product initiatives.

12.3. You guarantee and represent that: (i) you are able to enter into and carry out the obligations under these Terms; (ii) the execution and performance of your obligations under these Terms is compliant with applicable laws and does not violate the terms of any other agreement to which you are a party; (iii) you agree to abide by all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, as well as governmental orders and court orders, pertaining to the use of the Service, the Website, and these Terms; and (iv) you are legally permitted to use the Services and Website and to fulfill your obligations under these Terms.

12.4. All warranties and conditions, whether express or implied by legislation, common law, or otherwise (including but not limited to satisfactory quality and fitness for purpose), are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law, unless otherwise specified in these Terms. Regarding the outcomes of using the service or website, the functionality of the Services or Website will match your needs, and the Services or Website will run without interruption or errors, no warranty is offered.
13.1. In no event shall any Party hereto and its affiliates, subcontractors, agents, and vendors (including, the Third Party service providers) be liable under, or otherwise in connection with these Terms for: (i) any indirect, exemplary, special, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages; (ii) any loss or profits, costs, anticipated savings; (iii) any loss or, or damage to data, use, business, reputation, revenue, or goodwill; and or (iv) the failure of security measures and protections, whether in contract, tort or under any other theory of liability or otherwise, and whether or not the Party in question was informed beforehand of the possibility of such damages, and even in the event that a remedy fails to achieve its primary goal.

13.2. Except for the indemnity obligations of either Party under these Terms, your payment obligations under these Terms, or any breach of our acceptable policy by you, shall not, in any case, exceed the total aggregate liability of either Party, its Affiliates, subcontractors, agents, and vendors (including its third-party service providers) under or in connection with these terms (including the sites and services), or in any other way related to these terms (including the sites and the services). This liability limitation is cumulative rather than incident-by-incidence.

13.3. Team F5 shall not be liable to the Client for any consequences resulting from:
13.3.1. Any changes to these Terms, adjustments to the Services, or the Client's usage of the Account in whole or in part, including, but not limited to, any error, permanent or temporary interruption, discontinuance, suspension, or other type of unavailability of the Services.
13.3.2. Loss, alteration, or failure to store any Client Data.
13.3.3. The Client's or any User’s connected to the Account's usage of Client Data.
13.3.4. Client downgrading or upgrading a current subscription plan.
13.3.5. Any disclosure, loss, or unauthorized use of Client's or any User's login credentials as a result of Client's failure to keep them confidential.
13.3.6. The use of the Account or the Services by the Client using web browsers that we do not support or accept.
13.3.7. The use of any remedies that we may have against the Client or Users; for instance, if the Client or User has violated any relevant laws or committed a crime by using the Services, or any portion of them;
13.3.8. The variations in access technologies and platforms; for instance, some features, functionalities, components, or elements of the Services are intended for usage on desktop or laptop computers alone and will not work on tablets or mobile platforms;
13.4. Furthermore, Team F5 and its Affiliates will not be held accountable to the Client for any claims made by users, individuals, groups, or other third parties against the Client as a result of the Client's failure to:
13.4.1. Give Team F5 accurate information about the Client, Users, or Account.
13.4.2. Notify Team F5 of any circumstances that prevent a User from using the Account on the Client's behalf.
13.4.3. Guarantee the legality of the Client data.
13.4.4. Secure the authorization required to use the client data; or
13.4.5. Abide by any of the restrictions described in these Terms.
13.5. In no event shall Team F5 and its Affiliates' total liability arising out of or relating to these Terms, whether with respect to a single incident or a series of incidents, exceed the sum of money that the Client paid for the Services in the six months preceding the first incident that gave rise to the liability. This limitation will be applicable independently of the liability theory, whether an action is launched for negligence, tort or contract breach, misrepresentation, or another reason. It will not, however, limit the Client's ability to make payments as specified by these Terms.
14.1. The Services, along with all related or underlying know-how, technology, or intellectual property, and any modifications, enhancements, or derivative works of the aforementioned (collectively, "Materials"), are the property of Team F5 and its Affiliates. The Materials may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Materials include software, API, apps framework, design, design system, text, editorial materials, informational text, documentation, photographs, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, artwork, and other graphic materials. Regarding the Materials, Team F5 is the only owner of all rights, title, and interest, including all intellectual property rights, as between the Client and Team F5.

14.2. The sole and exclusive owners and operators of the Services and Materials, widgets, platform, materials, trade names, trademarks, plans, presentations, handouts, manuals, guides, catalogs, booklets, annotations, summaries, studies, opinions, and any other related intellectual property are Team F5, its Affiliates, or the corresponding third-party vendors and hosting partners. Copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, and other pertinent intellectual property and proprietary rights laws, as well as international agreements and treaties, safeguard our materials.

14.3. Client's use of the Services, and any sections or aspects thereof, does not grant Client any ownership rights or intellectual property rights therein, save as expressly provided in these Terms. It is strictly forbidden for Client to distribute, publish, or otherwise utilize the Services for commercial or promotional purposes without first obtaining written consent from Team F5.

14.4. Client Reference. Client agrees and acknowledges that Team F5 may use Client's name and logo to identify Client as a Team F5 client or as a user of the Services on the Website, in marketing materials, and in other public announcements, such as calls and earnings statements, shareholder materials, and the like. The Client can withdraw this right at any moment by sending an email to

14.5. Your Rights of Access and Use. We give you a limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use the Services and Website for Client's internal business purposes only during the applicable Subscription Term, subject to these Terms and your compliance therewith.

14.6. API. We might offer an API that provides additional ways to access and use the Services. The use of this API is governed by these Terms and is regarded as a part of the Services. You may only access and utilize our API for your internal business objectives, in order to establish interoperability and integration between the Services and other goods, services, or systems you use internally, without deviating from these Terms. We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, your and/or Customer’s access to the API (or any part of it) with or without notice. The API is subject to changes and modifications, and you are solely responsible to ensure that your use of the API is compatible with the current version.
15.1. Governing Law. These Terms and any action related thereto shall be construed, governed and interpreted by and in accordance with the laws of the emirate of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates without effect of conflict or choice of law provisions, which are specifically excluded hereunder.

15.2. Jurisdiction. All disputes and claims arising out of or related to these Terms shall be subject to the sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts of competent jurisdiction situated in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Team F5, nevertheless, retains the right to request an injunction in any court, anywhere in the world.

15.3. Class Action Waiver. You and Team F5 agree that each Party may only bring claims against the other in your or its individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action, as permitted by applicable law. No arbitrator or judge may combine multiple parties' claims or otherwise preside over any kind of representative or class action unless you and Team F5 mutually agree.

15.4. Arbitration. To the extent permitted under applicable laws, you and Team F5 hereby irrevocably agree to the following:
15.4.1. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or related in any way to these Terms and/or any sale of goods or services hereunder or any transaction contemplated hereby which cannot be amicably resolved by the Parties through negotiation within thirty (30) days shall be solely and finally settled by arbitration administered by the Dubai International Arbitration Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in accordance with its commercial arbitration rules.

15.4.2. Any dispute arising out of the formation, performance, interpretation, nullification, termination or invalidation of these Terms or arising therefrom or related thereto in any manner whatsoever, shall be settled by DIAC in accordance with the provisions set forth under the DIAC Arbitration Rules (the “Rules”).

15.4.3. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

15.4.4. The arbitrator(s) shall be bound to adjudicate all disputes in accordance with the laws of the Emirate of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.

15.4.5. The decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be in writing with written findings of fact and shall be final and binding on the Parties. The arbitrator(s) shall be empowered to award money damages, but shall not be empowered to award consequential damages, indirect damages, special damages, exemplary damages, punitive damages, or require specific performance.

15.4.6. This arbitration section provides the sole recourse for the settlement of any disputes arising out of, in connection with, or related to these Terms.

15.4.7. The arbitration proceeding shall be carried out by One (1) arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrator shall be in writing with written findings of fact and legal reasoning and shall be final and binding on the Parties. The arbitrator shall be empowered to award money damages, consequential damages, indirect damages, special damages, exemplary damages, punitive damages or specific performance. The arbitral award and/or decision shall be enforceable in any court in any jurisdiction in which Company’s assets are located.

15.4.8. The costs and expenses of the settlement and/or resolution of disputes are borne be the Party against which the decision is rendered. The place of the arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates in English language. This DISPUTE RESOLUTION paragraph provides the sole recourse for the settlement of any disputes arising out of, in connection with, or related to this Agreement, and arbitration proceedings described herein shall be the exclusive form of dispute resolution.
15.5. Other Laws. We offer no guarantees or representations that the use of the Services is appropriate in your jurisdiction, with the exception of what is clearly mentioned in these Terms. Apart from what is stated here, it is your responsibility to abide with any applicable local, state, federal, or other laws when using the Services.
16.1. Relationship between us
16.1.1. The relationship between the Client and Team F5 is non-exclusive: Team F5 may represent, perform services for, and contract with as many additional clients, persons, or companies as Team F5 in its sole discretion sees fit.

16.1.2. The Parties are independent parties and nothing in these Terms will be construed as creating an employer-employee relationship between us.
16.2. Assignment
16.2.1. You may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of these Terms or any of your rights or obligations arising hereunder, without our prior written consent.

16.2.2. We may transfer, assign, charge, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of these Terms, or any of our rights or obligations arising hereunder, at any time.
16.3. Force Majeure
16.3.1. Under circumstances constituting force majeure such as: natural disasters, epidemics, civil disorder, or other circumstances which are beyond the Parties' control, the period of performance of the obligations shall be extended for the duration of such circumstances.

16.3.2. The circumstances last for more than sixty (60) days, Client shall have the right to terminate the execution of the obligations under these Terms.

16.3.3. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations caused by events outside our reasonable control (a “Force Majeure Event”).

16.3.4. A Force Majeure Event includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control and includes but is not limited to: (i) strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action; (ii) civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war; (iii) fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster; (iv) impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunications networks; (v) the acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government.

16.3.5. Our performance of our obligations shall be deemed to be suspended for the period that the Force Majeure Event continues, and we will have an extension of time for performance for the duration of that period. We will use our reasonable endeavors to bring the Force Majeure Event to an end or to find a solution by which our obligations under these Terms may be performed despite the Force Majeure Event.
16.4. Publicity
You grant us the right to add your name and company logo to our customer list and website.
16.5. Our Contacts
Calls for technical support, payment, quality of timely receipt of services and other issues regarding card transactions are accepted by phone +1 872 588 81 05 or by email